Who says Bingo is for old farts?

It’s Friday night, and what am I thinking of at the moment? Reading…and another game/challenge. Okay, enough laughing at my social life already. Actually, I feel blessed to have a moment to read, especially lately.  ;P Anyway, I noticed the Reading Bingo game challenge a couple weeks ago and thought “that’s neat, but I don’t think I have the time to keep up with it.”
In case you’re wondering what the heck? Here’s one of the bingo boards:
Well, I looked at this again at it today and discovered something: one month into the new year and I have 1 square from Bingo on several columns! And, that’s without even paying attention. So, I’ve added yet another challenge to my reading list. (you can see my progress via my Read in 2014 page)

Hip hip, hooray…calloo, callay, another challenge is underway!

Want to join me? Link is on the above graphic (direct link on my 2014 page).  Can you beat me to bingo? C’mon…drink the Kool-aid…it’s sweet and has no calories, so you can have it all day long. ;D Do leave a comment if/when you try the bingo…or why you don’t like Kool-aid.

Awaits for you to feed my curiosity. In the meantime, there’s a book calling my name again.

2 responses to “Who says Bingo is for old farts?

  1. I love this! As a massive bookworm it sounds like the best bingo ever! How long do you have to complete it?

What do you think?