Tag Archives: poetry

Working out with my poetic license again

Is it already that time of the month? No, not my womanly time, it’s time for Robin to bug me with email to get the poet within to crawl out of its hole for another big poetry session. 😀 (I tease, of course…I enjoy her email) Anyway, I’m doing double duty, or perhaps triple duty for it’s apt to be a long post, for I’m combining this poetic license exercise with the NaBloPoMo April letters theme.

How am I to accomplish such a feat? Acrostics. What the heck? Acrostics are when you have a vertical message made from the first letters of a poem. They kind of remind me of inserting a “hidden message” within that sees if one is paying close attention. You can see some popular acrostics at Mental Floss.

Pensieve’s Poetic License ~ April Challenge
Three lines, 17 syllables, often related to nature–what could be easier than that?…the theme is “Spring” .

Finally, something easy. Yeah right. What if I have an allergy attack? Hah! Seriously, I shall do my best to entertain. He-he! Do watch out for that acrostic as I…

once again, exercise my license to write:

Want this button?

Springtime Achoos…uh, I mean Haiku’s

Watch out, Spring comes here
Really warming the blue skies
I see through window

Typing though I am
To give you more joy today
Entertain the peeps

No one notices
But, that’s okay I try ‘gain
You just wait and see

The sun shines brightly
Healing the bone dry cracked earth
Early in springtime

Precious flowers are
Everywhere rain has fallen
After April rains

Really big weeds though
Like to get in flowers’ way
Always jealous plants

Dying the flowers are
Yard needs tending to make new
*Green, we’ll have again!

~ThePearLady c2008

*post-it-note to self: I need go outside now to tend to yard…avoid poison plants. 😉

Well, that was it. Did you catch the acrostic? Love it or hate it, comments are welcome. And, if you’d like to see another Spring Haiku or so, do check out the Pensieve. You never know what you may see there, especially when Min plays. ;D

Sliced by The Pear Lady

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*narrator’s voice booms* This post is brought to you in honor of the current theme at  NaBloPoMo [link: Blogrolls /April] for more information).

It’s Font-a-licious!

The letter F is for….

Fonts, of course! Indulge me as I tell you a poetic story with a few fonts I found, all on one site.

The Triple Threat

Once upon a time, I worked in the yard.
For my efforts I received
Of course, I got a clean area, too.
(Makes it almost worth it… LOL)
Washing off the horrid urishiol [poison]
I felt
Uh-oh…time to take care of those annoying tickles
Ahh, starting to feel human again
Perhaps even a bit like a sweet lady
That’s a day in the life of me!
Remember, leaves of three, let them be!
(And, don’t inhale [the smoke], either)
Congratulations. We’ve both survived today. 🙂

Fonts displayed include (in order of usage): Skull TS 2, Little Days, First Aid, and Kaileen. All fonts can be found at Daily Free Fonts.
DailyFreeFonts.com - free font archive updated daily

*narrator’s voice booms* This post is brought to you in honor of the current theme at  Nablopomo [link: Blogrolls /April] for more information).
Thank you and good night! 😀

Sliced by The Pear Lady

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Brought to you by the letter B

All right, guys and gals, it’s another day, and another post following the letters theme! Yeah, man! (well, someone has to be excited…so I figure I might as well start with a cheerful attitude). Today, I’ve a poem and post about a very popular V-logger. whom I just adore viewing. And, why another poem? Well, it is National Poetry Month, after all.

Screen capture by TPL @ www.buckhollywood.com (4 eyes entry)
There once was a guy named Buck
Who’s YouTube videos sure don’t suck
Entertainment up the wazoo
Voted among the best on YT, too
Once you’ve seen it, next thought to do,
You’ll have to have it, chick-a-dude!
~ThePearLady 2008

As Michael might say, do you love it? I do. It’ll be good for a grin one day flipping through my posts randomly, I’m pretty sure.  Oh, and if you want to know the back story of that picture, he’s trying on different glasses he’s owned over the years. For the complete story, click here.

*narrator’s voice booms* This post is brought to you in honor of the current theme at  Nablopomo [link: Blogrolls /April]for more information from Eden).

Happy Hump Day! Or, errm, Wednesday. 😉
Sliced by The Pear Lady

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Hopping Around The WWW

Well,  I don’t know about you, but I’m a pooped puppy today. I’m not sure why. I can only guess that when I’m working (on personal projects or on-the-job, etc.), I must be putting in 100% into the activity. That’s good and bad, for it causes me to do a sort of crash-recharge time. Anyway, some of my local blog pals have been typing about various links around the “internets”, causing me to find even more interesting material of which to lose more sleep time. “Gotta love ’em”. ;P

Though I’ve eaten a very good homemade pasta salad for tonight and really no desire to eat right now, I’ve to admit the Houstonist is making me seriously hungry reminding me of the Rodeo barbeque this weekend and teasing me with haikus of yummy sweets. I may just have to fork up the money to get out into the world this weekend. I wonder if I can still flirt my way into the private tents? Hmm. It could be an interesting time. I shall have to consider this idea further.

My local blog pal Jenny aka The Bloggess has recently updated her blogroll into the freaking stratosphere! My goodness, that’s a lot of links there, that it may take a while for me to go through them all (although luckily some are already on my own blogroll – whew!). I’m not-so-secretly happy to be amongst all those links. 😉

A site that I’ve recently discovered has the uber-cool title, I am the Lizard Queen. I’m particularly enamored with the “Hump Day Poetry“, which is good for a grin or so. (Side note: Why have I been so focused on poetry again, including my own, I’m not sure. But, I’m glad I have been writing again, judging by the recent feedback I’ve been getting. *grin*)

And, it’s no surprise (to me) that one of my other local blog pals, Obi-wan-ding, has turned me on to a couple more new sites.  First, she showed me some seriously weirdness on the web called the Techno Occult. It’s seriously cool, and yet disturbing. Second, the smart Dr. Miggy has me seriously considering writing my congressman after publishing this little piece about what the government is doing with Medicare money again. Anyone with an older loved one out there should read this article. It makes me furious when government does this stuff, and yet at the same time, I feel powerless to change things (despite having the right to vote, etc.). Perhaps now, it’s time that I find my voice. Perhaps we all should.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Go over and vote in the Elvis sighting contest at Nikki’s place. Hint: if you vote for the ones that look that they were taken with a bad camera, I will *heart* you almost forever. 😉

Wow! That’s some serious linkage I have up there. I do believe it’s time to stop, at least for the moment. No wonder I wear myself out, I ramble 24/7! LOL Anyway, back to American Idol again (talk about drama…though no one is really standing out, except for maybe David A. But, I still like my favorite nurse rocker Amanda, even if she’s having an off-night. Oh well.) Until later, folks.

Sliced by The Pear Lady

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Weekend poetry session

I’ve been inspired by the Weekend Wordsmith! The writing prompt of the moment is an unneeded puzzle piece. I’m not sure why, but my mind went to the following thoughts/poems.

This poetry is a bit different from the last time. Do let me know if you like what I’ve created here (please, my ego is due for a feeding again).
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