Category Archives: basketball

All about the nonsense

Edward Lear
Image via Wikipedia

Bow-chicka-wow-wow! It’s Limericks Day! It’s a day to write/read/say “fun” poems in honor of Edward Lear’s birthday [May 12th], whom wrote all sorts of nonsense. 😉 I’ve enjoyed his writings since before I could analyze them to death [for various literature classes]. So, to celebrate the day, I’ve written some more of my own limericks for us to groan laugh at and love. Enjoy.


A day of limericks, how droll
I’m not sure which way to roll
It’s hard to rhyme, with a certain time,
But, look! I’ve made it through the hole!


Yes, I’ve lots of sports on the brain,
If my team doesn’t win, I might go insane
I watch them play, yelling and cheering all-the-way!
It may not be healthy, but it’s fun just the same.

OMG, I made it. *wipes brow* Happy Rickelime….errm, I mean have a Happy Limericks day!
(and go, Rockets!)

If you’d like to write a limerick, and need some help, let Wiki be your guide by looking at How to Write a Limerick. Do share if you do, so we can all enjoy the fun!

Until later…may you all have some sort of whimsy in your lives. It sure makes things interesting. 😉
Sliced by The Pear Lady

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Weekend Poetry – Gossip Edition

Hello there! It’s time to see how the Weekend Wordsmith has inspired me. This week, the writing prompt is a picture of two people telling a secret to one another.

Basketball is hot, hot, hot today in Houston, thanks to our team on a winning streak. So, I’ve written a little haiku in honor of their success. (why a haiku? blame SciGuy  this time–LOL!)

Have you heard the news today?
The Rockets have won yet again.
That makes the streak 22!

~©ThePearLady 2008
This second poem is a garden variety rhyme, just to prove I still can (and without the rhyming dictionary–amazing).

Gossip-mongers get their thrill
on the latest actresses in the rumor mill
from Lindsay, to Paris, and (of course) Britney
the “old-school” still even follow Whitney!
It keeps the Paparazzi in the biz
And, makes the rest of us go “Gee whiz!”
If only people wouldn’t buy this junk
But, how many would be out of work without this bunk?

~©ThePearLady 2008

Weird, yes I know. But, it’s what I thought of when I saw the word “gossip”. Hmm.  And, yes, they’re unnamed. Got a good title? Do tell.

As always, if you wish to feed my ego (or, *gasp* deflate it a notch), the comments are open now.

Sliced by The Pear Lady

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