Fun Monday – Rainy Day Shelving

It’s time for our semi-regular feature once again — Fun Monday!!

Hostess: Swampwitch of Anecdotes, Antidotes, and Anodes

Topic: Post pictures of your bookshelves or stacks of books. Hopefully, we will be able to read some of the titles. If you want, while you’re at it, post pictures of ANY shelves…shelves with toys, dishes, collections, Aunt Gertrude’s ashes in an urn, etc. Also, post pictures of your garage, carport, or places where you store ‘stuff.’  (No fair cleaning first, but if you must, maybe this will be the motivation to do so.)

Pictures of my books, eh…oh, where to start! Today, I’ll show my own recently acquired bookshelves, of which sits my nighttime reading material(s).

The first two shelves:

Extra tidbit: I’m published in one of them. πŸ˜›

And, the third shelf:

This shelf holds some of my paperback collection. It’s usually cleaner than this, but I’m coming back from a chaotic week. And, yes, that bottom book is a college textbook, I re-read the plays of Shakespeare (etc.) occasionally. πŸ˜‰

I’d show more storage, but as my weather pixie could tell you, it’s raining furiously at the moment, and limiting the functionality of what I can do. So, I’ll have to save that part for another venture. In the meantime, maybe I’ll go clean that third shelf. ;P

Thanks for stopping by…until later, taters!

–this post is again brought to you by Windows Live Writer, which I’m finding out is an excellent tool! Continued thanks go to the Houston Chronicle’s Dwight Silverman for recommending its use. I love this program! πŸ™‚

4 responses to “Fun Monday – Rainy Day Shelving

  1. Wow, you’re published in one of those shelves? You mean, you’re Tom Clancy? πŸ˜‰ (heh – of course that’s really just one of the only authors I could make out!)

    TPL responds: Sorry, I had to shrink it for size (kb). *gasp* you figured it out…I’m Tom Clancy…(okay, not really, but I am a dreamer sometimes) πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  2. I could have used a couple of those text books last night — I couldn’t sleep.
    okay… which one is your book.
    I would probably know if I was a regular and not a visitor.
    Windows Live Writer… I guess I”ll google it and find out if Dwight is Outta Site like the Mama’s say.

    TPL responds: It’s not Tom Clancy, nor Stephen King (though, I wish!).
    The live writer link is on Dwight’s techblog…can’t recall the entry offhand, but he did a review about it last week. πŸ™‚

  3. Who doesn’t love Shakespeare?

    TPL responds: Someone who doth protest too much?? (Only line I could think of at the moment) πŸ˜›

  4. I’m now intrigued as to which book you are published in!! I confess to not having read Shakespeare since school.

What do you think?